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The banner for the news post which showcases some images of the newest 1.21.2 update.

What's new in the 1.21.2/1.21.3 update?

The latest Minecraft Java Edition update is here, 1.21.2, which brings exciting mix of new features, improvements and pretty cool additions to the game. In this news post, we'll go over the most important changes!

The 1.21.3 is a hotfix for the 1.21.2 version which introduced a fix for an issue affecting Realms with resource packs enabled. Another fix was for the Salmon shrinking when updating from 1.21.1 or before to 1.21.2(?)... whatever that means.

Anyhow... let's take a look at the new features!


Image which showcases the new different bundles.

  • You are able to fit a total of one stack in one bundle (usually 64 items) which can be a mixture of various items. Say bye to having 6 rotten flesh, 2 bones, 5 strings, and 21 dirt blocks taking up 4 slots.

  • The recipe of the new bundle is very simple, you only need 1 string and 1 leather to craft it. To change its color, simply mix it with a dye and you're done!

This image showcases the recipe for crafting the bundle item.This image showcases the recipe for crafting a colored version of the bundle.

Trial Chamber Variations

  • There are now different variations of Hallways which includes "Encounters" - which are short challenges leading to a larger chamber.

  • Beds in chamber intersections now have randomized colors.

  • Replaced the chest at the entrance of the chamber with hoppers and barrels.

Baby Versions of Dolphins, Squids, and Glow Squids

It would be ILLEGAL for us not to include a few screenshots of these cuties. Before we show them, here's some text about the changes:

  • Squid Spawn Eggs will ONLY spawn adult squids. Whyyy...

  • There is a 5% chance of squids spawned in groups in the wild to be a lil-baby one.

Image which showcases the baby squids and dolphins in the new 1.21.2 update.

Other Changes

  • Sneaking while bouncing on a slime block no longer causes fall-damage.

  • Tweaks to existing blocks, items, and entities.

  • Banner Pattern items have new designs and names.

  • Ender Pearls now tick and load the chunk they travel into.

  • Different salmon variants.

  • Behavior changes to bees.

  • Changes to the raider spawning during a triggered raid.

  • User interface changes.

  • Redstone Torches now have a new look.

  • Inactivity FPS Limit.

  • Frame rate has been improved when using higher render distance.

Technical Changes

  • Datapack version is now 57.

  • Resource pack version is now 42.

  • A new option called "pause-when-empty-seconds" in the server.properties file.

  • and more...

Click here to read the official post by Minecraft

I'm sure you will think of different ways to take advantage of these new features! My personal favorite are definitely the bundles -- I can finally sort the few items so much better!

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