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Explore Popular modpacks

Instantly set up your Minecraft server modpack with one click—select, order, and play!

Discover over 10,000 Minecraft modpacks!

Top 3 modpacks currently

Most Popular Modpacks based on our packages

Choose an affordable package and find a suitable modpack for your needs

Select a modpack & order a server

You can choose from more than 10,000 public modpacks available on CurseForge, Modrinth and FTB sites. We display the minimum and recommended server packages for each. Keep in mind that the more players, the more resources you'll need!

Select Modpack
Install Modpack

Install modpack to your own PC

It’s important to remember that most modpacks require client-side installations. This means all your players must install the modpack to their own PC! If you need any help with that, we have prepared guides in text and video!

Create awesome memories with your friends in Minecraft

Modpacks are made for having fun, and best to be played together with your friends! You can modify the pack by adding or removing any mods you'd like, all done easily through our handy Game Panel.

Awesome Memories

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Most Popular Modpacks based
on the GB Size