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Introducing the Enhanced Player Manager!

We've recently launched a much better version of our Player Manager! This enhanced version of the Player Manager shows all the information you may need about a player - their inventory, enderchest, armor, health, XP levels, and so much more...

In this news post we'll go over all the features and showcase some images!

One of the coolest features is that you're able to view offline players and their data! Yes, you're able to stalk them when they are not present... 👀

On each row, you see the "Live Player Data >" button. This takes you to that player's page where you can see so much about them. Let's take a look!

Looking back at this screenshot - what else do you need? You're able to modify their inventory, enderchest, armor, off-hand item, location, gamemode, health, XP, food, and more...

There's also some additional features that showcase the blocks they've mined, placed, entities killed, and blocks traveled. I don't know why you would need all of this information, but I'm sure they'll be useful at some point.

Here's a proper list of all the new things:

  • Ability to modify inventory and add items to it.

  • Ability to modify enderchest and add items to it.

  • Ability to modify armor slots and add items to it.

  • Ability to modify off-hand slot and add an item to it.

  • Clear the inventory.

  • Clear the enderchest.

  • Clear the statistics.

  • Clear the advancements.

  • View mined blocks.

  • View used/placed items.

  • View killed entities.

  • View total blocks travelled - crouch, walk, sprint, swim, ride, fly.

  • View death location and copy the command to teleport to it.

  • View bed location.

  • View the current location and change it.

  • View the gamemode and change it.

  • View the KDR (kill/death ratio).

  • View the total play-time.

  • View total deaths.

  • Ability to add hearts and food bars to player as well as kill them.

  • Add and remove EXP levels of the player.

This is live on the panel right now! Go to your server and check it out.

Thank you to all the clients who have helped us in improving our services! Looking forward to what more features and improvements we can release on our panels and services.

If you don't have a server with WiseHosting and want to experience the Player Manager on your own, use the code SAVE10 to save 10% on your first month with us!

If you need any assistance with the server or encounter any problems, do not hesitate contacting our support team here.

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